Most Affordable Hiking Trips of 2022

Most Affordable Hiking Trips of 2022

If you love hiking but are on a budget, there are plenty of affordable trips you can take. Here are just a few affordable hiking trips to consider:

- The Appalachian Trail: This world-famous trail extends for 2,180 miles from Georgia to Maine. While the entire trail is free to hike, there are numerous affordable lodging and camping options available along the route.

- The John Muir Trail: This 210-mile trail runs through California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. While permits are required for overnight stays, they can be obtained for a reasonable fee. There are also plenty of affordable lodging and camping options available near the trail.

- The Pacific Crest Trail: This 2,650-mile trail runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. While permits are required for overnight stays, they can be obtained for a reasonable fee. There are also plenty of affordable lodging and camping options available near the trail.

So, if you're looking for affordable hiking trips, there are plenty of options for you. You just have to pick right one for you. Happy trails!

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